On Friday 27th October, 2023, the ODPM facilitated interactive disaster preparedness sessions with students of the Saraswati Girls Hindu College for their annual Career Day. Discussions focused fields in disaster management, as well as on raising awareness of various...
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ODPM facilitated interactive disaster preparedness sessions with the Santa Rosa Government Primary School
On Tuesday 24th October, 2023, the ODPM facilitated interactive disaster preparedness sessions with students of the Santa Rosa Government Primary School. Discussions focused on raising awareness of various local hazards, staying informed, knowing the first responder...
ODPM meets with Cuban Representatives on Knowledge Exchange
Today, Friday 13th October 2023, the ODPM participated in a meeting with Her Excellency, Ambassador and Plenipotentiary Tania Diego Olite; Mr. Julio J. Cabada Ferrera, Economic and Commercial Counsellor of the Embassy of the Republic of Cuba in Trinidad and Tobago; Mr...
National Disaster Prevention and Preparedness Multi-sectoral Committee meet to discuss ongoing national initiatives
On Wednesday 13th September, 2023 the National Disaster Prevention and Preparedness Multi-sectoral Committee met to discuss ongoing national initiatives. The key area of focus at the meeting was to update the action plan for Multi-Hazard Early Warning Systems (MHEWS)...
ODPM and UWI partner for International Day for Disaster Risk Reduction (IDDRR) event
ODPM and UWI partner for International Day for Disaster Risk Reduction (IDDRR) event Today, October 12th, 2023 the ODPM partnered with the Faculty of Food and Agriculture (FFA), St Augustine Campus, UWI and other agencies, to kick-off the commemoration of...
36 Graduate from Urban Search and Rescue (USAR) Training
On, Friday 6th October, 2023 the Office of Disaster Preparedness and Management (ODPM), in collaboration with the CDEMA - Caribbean Disaster Emergency Management Agency and the World Hope International (WHI), hosted a closing ceremony for 36 members of the Defence...
ODPM partnered with the UWI St. Augustine Campus’ SLDD for Disaster Preparedness session
On Thursday 7th September, 2023, the ODPM partnered with the UWI St. Augustine Campus' Student Life and Development Department (SLDD) to facilitate an informative and interactive session on disaster preparedness and management as it relates to persons with...
ODPM participated in Woodbrook Secondary School’s first Health and Safety Day
Today, Friday 29th September 2023, ODPM staff participated in Woodbrook Secondary School’s first Health and Safety Day. Students learned about natural hazard awareness and emergency preparedness in interactive sessions. Also present were the Trinidad and Tobago Police...
ODPM partnered with the North West Regional Health Authority
Today, Tuesday 26th September, 2023, the ODPM partnered with the North West Regional Health Authority (NWRHA) to facilitate an interactive and informative Hazard Awareness and Emergency Preparedness session with staff at the Adult Education Program Office in St....
ODPM hosts workshop on strengthening public and private sector coordination for disaster management
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Sarah Thompson
Business Consultant