Spoken Word Competition – Rules and Regulations

May 3, 2021 | Latest Articles

Rules and Regulations
Spoken Word Competition

Theme: Disaster Prevention and Preparedness

  1. The competition is open to all nationals of Trinidad and Tobago.
  2. To participate in the competition, the Registration Form can be accessed from the following link on or before 28th May 2021: https://forms.gle/LZPEf6ThhVhkkqmS8
  1. Should you have any further questions, please feel free to reach out to us via the following email address: spokenwordcompetition2021@gmail.com.
  2. All submissions on social media must include the Hash Tag #spokenwordcompetition2021
  3. Spoken word pieces submitted for judging MUST be original work.
  4. The spoken word poem must treat with issues related to disaster preparedness and management ESPECIALLY issues related to disaster prevention and preparedness.
  5. A spoken word poem may be lyrical, narrative, descriptive, dramatic or a combination of all these elements.
  6. All spoken word poems submitted for adjudication should not exceed four (4) minutes.
  7. A total of five (5) points will be deducted if the performer goes over the four (4) minute time limit.
  8. Any submission that discriminates directly or indirectly against any demographic sector, ethnic group, or religious group will not be admissible for judging.
  9. The judges’ decisions are final.
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